Quality Free Advertising

How to get Quality Free Advertising using Traffic Echanges

Traffic exchange websites allow marketers to earn credits to have their websites advertised to a whole community of many thousands of users within the exchange.

There are many benefits to participating in Traffic Exchanges

Webmasters use the earned credits to have their websites and promotions added into the rotation while surfing through other websites within the traffic exchange system.


There are many people using traffic exchanges to try and generate traffic for their home-based business. And while they may get lots of views at these traffic exchanges, that is just about it.

Views, no sales

One problem with traffic exchanges is that everyone is busy advertising their own business instead of looking for new businesses. So basically you have a lot of advertisers and very few buyers.

In order to use traffic exchanges effectively you must cater to the advertisers

You have to offer something that appeals to the advertisers in the traffic exchanges. One thing that goes well in traffic exchanges is a simple solution to their traffic problem.

Create a subscription webpage offering a free course on how to produce better results from traffic exchanges. Then on your thank you page, where you thank them for signing up for your free course, you then present whatever product your home-based business is selling.


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