Books for your Reading pleasure

Achievers have a huge appetite for reading because they know the benefits of knowledge

Readers of all ages will benefit from reading! From reading for leisure to literacy education, reading helps to improve our mind and our thinking. Here are a list of things which can be improved through reading: Exercises the Brain, Improve one's Concentration and Ability to Focus, Increases General Knowledge and Literacy, provide a Form of Entertainment, Reduces Stress and increase Motivation, Teaches Empathy and Sets Positive Examples, and Reading can also Improve Sleep.

The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction

In recent years, cultural commentators have sounded the alarm about the dire state of reading in America. Americans are not reading enough, they say, or reading the right books, in the right way.

In this book, Alan Jacobs argues that, contrary to the doomsayers, reading is alive and well in America. There are millions of devoted readers supporting hundreds of enormous bookstores and online booksellers. Oprah's Book Club is hugely influential, and a recent NEA survey reveals an actual uptick in the reading of literary fiction. Jacobs's interactions with his students and the readers of his own books, however, suggest that many readers lack confidence; they wonder whether they are reading well, with proper focus and attentiveness, with due discretion and discernment. Many have absorbed the puritanical message that reading is, first and foremost, good for you--the intellectual equivalent of eating your Brussels sprouts. For such people, indeed for all readers, Jacobs offers some simple, powerful, and much needed advice: read at whim, read what gives you delight, and do so without shame, whether it be Stephen King or the King James Version of the Bible. In contrast to the more methodical approach of Mortimer Adler's classic How to Read a Book (1940), Jacobs offers an insightful, accessible, and playfully irreverent guide for aspiring readers. Each chapter focuses on one aspect of approaching literary fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, and the book explores everything from the invention of silent reading, reading responsively, rereading, and reading on electronic devices.

Invitingly written, with equal measures of wit and erudition, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction will appeal to all readers, whether they be novices looking for direction or old hands seeking to recapture the pleasures of reading they first experienced as children.

Choice Topics to Explore

Readers are Achievers Achievers have a huge appetite for reading because they know the benefits of knowledge. Research shows that readers can write and concentrate better than non-readers. They discern fine distinctions a lot quicker, and are also better able to understand how other people think and feel. Become a high achiever by reading books for success.
Readers are Achievers

Been There Done That - Secrets of Building a Million-Dollar Network Marketing Organization If you are truly interested in becoming a millionaire in network marketing, you need to immediately change your mindset and focus - get your mind off the money and think about the people.
Been There Done That - Secrets of Building a Million-Dollar Network Marketing Organization

Positive Thinking To Build Up Your Internet Business And Yourself Do you get rich if you never have the courage to take action? Nope, you must make something happen to get riches! Having the millionaire mindset, one that attracts rather than repels wealth, is the only direct path to riches.
Positive Thinking To Build Up Your Internet Business And Yourself

Learn all about business with these great books Both successful entrepreneurs and chess grandmasters have the vision to look at the pieces in front of them and anticipate their next five moves. In this book, Patrick Bet-David “helps entrepreneurs understand exactly what they need to do next” (Brian Tracy, author of Eat That Frog!) by translating this skill into a valuable methodology. Whether you feel like you’ve hit a wall, lost your fire, or are looking for innovative strategies to take your business to the next level, Your Next Five Moves has the answers.
Learn all about business with these great books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Knockout Entrepreneur, by George Foreman— $15.50 (Save 3%!)
As true for boxing as business: Champions in business are not born. They are made. In an era of bankruptcy and bailouts, two-time Heavyweight Champion of the World and record-busting businessman George Foreman steps into the ring to challenge prevailing conceptions of success and achievement and lays out a new way of doing business—the way...
As true for boxing as business: Champions in business are not born. They are made. In an era of bankruptcy and bailouts, two-time Heavyweight Champion of the World and record-busting businessman George Foreman steps into the ring to challenge prevailing conceptions of success and achievement and lays out a new way of doing business—the way of the Knockout Entrepreneur. The Knockout Entrepreneur: * Is focused on smart growth, fearlessly seizing opportunity, and building an organization of significance. * Is an idea wrangler and visionary who uses God-given imagination; who never gives up, gives in, or backs down from the hard work necessary to make it. * Is an encourager, risk-taker, mentor, and giver in a world that often reflects the opposite. * Is defined by integrity and generosity rather than title and possessions. * Amasses wisdom over wealth and knows that when all is said and done, the greatest ROI is found in faith, family, and community. Foreman equips you with principles and strategies to help you come out swinging and backs them up with personal stories, contemporary accounts of success, timeless wisdom, and leading questions—all of which are geared to help you put your Knockout plan into action and achieve extraordinary levels of success. About the Author: George Foreman, once boxing's heavyweight champion of the world, is best known today as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is a frequent speaker at nationwide events and a New York Times best selling author. George is an ordained minister and preaches twice a week in his church in Houston. He is the father of ten.
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