
Affiliate Marketing: Earn Money selling other people's products

E-Commerce in the Untied States

E-Commerce has a strong presence in the Untied States as well as the internationally community.

Electronic commerce is commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce. This is an industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet. Other technologies such as e-mail and mobile devices social media are also forms of e-commerce.

Modern electronic commerce involves such things as ordering "digital" content (selling to consumers on a pay-per-download basis), or ordering conventional goods and services, or "meta" services that facilitate other types of electronic commerce (generating online advertising revenue).

E-commerce is a major factor that can assist your companies with many levels of its current business transactions, as well as creating new online business opportunities in the global market.

Consumer benefits of e-commerce are: Easier cost comparative shopping; shop when you feel like it - not just during traditional store hours; Instance access to a greater number of stores; Save time when looking for hard to find items.

Business benefits of e-commerce are: Access to a larger market place and a Reduced overhead costs.


The Internet Makes it easy for entrepreneurs to earn Money in Affiliate Marketing


Become an Affiliate Marketer. The easiest way to make money working from home, in my opinion, is on the Internet. This is also the most convenient way to make money in Affiliate Marketing. As an affiliate of an established company, you refer your audience to that company's websites, and when a sale is made you earn a commission.

Are you new to affiliate marketing? Entrepreneurs should study all they can to in order to get to know all about Affiliate marketing. That is the beginning of our success in Affiliate marketing, as we learn who to market to and how simple it is to market affiliate products.

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. The affiliate should search for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product. Commission is earned from each sale made.

It is paramount for the affiliate to build trust with their audience . The quickest way to lose trust is to recommend products that you have not used or that are not a good fit for your audience. Focus on reviewing products and services so that you will have good knowledge of that product or service you wish to share with your readers. This makes it easy to show them why they would benefit from purchasing the product or service you are promoting. Also make sure you never tell anyone to directly buy a product, you are simply recommending the product. The more helpful you are and the more you can make quality recommendations, the more likely your audience will respect your expertise.

ECommergy helps online entrepreneurs around the world become ecommerce pros and achieve success while earning you big subscription commissions!

If you can send an e-mail, you can start an e-business. Discover HUNDREDS of lucrative e-commerce businesses, side hustles, freelance jobs, and more at ECOMMERGY. Grab a FREE trial subscription. No obligation.

Niche Marketing

The key to earning affiliate income is in choosing your marketing niche! To be a successful internet marketer, you need to effectively connect people with the products or services that they are looking for and ready to buy. That is the basics of Niche marketing. It is great because rather than promoting any and everything to random people; you choose a particular niche, then target them, and then offer products and/or services that fit that niche - you provide what the people actually want or need. With niche marketing, you can attract an audience that is highly targeted to your products or services, thus, you can making a healthy income online with internet marketing.

Subscription Sales is a great niche to earn income online, and ECommergy can help you become a Success!

Do you need to Earn More Income?

Are you exhausted from living on the edge with your money? We know that money isn't everything, but we can agree that having financial stability gives us security and freedom. Would you like to enjoy the things that really matter without worrying about their cost? Do you want to give your family a bright future? It doesn't matter if you are single, married or have children, our experts will help you achieve your short and long-term goals.

Online shopping

The simplest way to earn money with your website of blog is with an online store to promote online shopping. Basically, Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet. This method of shopping, also known as e-shopping, is extremely popular today. Any consumer, anywhere on the planet, can buy a product in a matter of a few clicks from the comfort of their home. If they have internet access, of course. As Ecommerce is the act of buying and selling goods and/or services on the Internet.

With online shopping, there are no annoying crowds to push through or people to weave around. This convenience is one of the key benefits of shopping online, making it preferable over physical shopping.

Entrepreneurs build Great things!

Entrepreneurs make things happen, we create the change in life! Read and study the information presented here at Profit Income Biz to learn how you too can earn an income online - in any economy.

In order to attract the success you desire, it is very important to talk and behave like a successful entrepreneur. This requires a change of Consciousness; a change of thought - a change of mind.

If you are a business opportunity seeker and have not become successful yet, then it is time to Shift your mindset From Opportunity Seeker To Entrepreneur!

It does not matter where you call Home! You can make money working at home regardless of where home is located; America, Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Israel, anywhere on the planet that has internet.

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this opportunity and become the author of your own success.


Problem: The 9-to-5 workday is dying ...

There are two massive, current trends that are looking to greatly disrupt the traditional workplace. One is that the traditional 9-to-5 workday is dying. Blame it on the pandemic, culture change, or whatever, but it is happening before our eyes. The 9-to-5 workday is becoming a relic of the past. But for SFI and its affiliates, this is a major opportunity. Why? Because ECommergy can play a major role in helping people transition from the old 9-to-5 ... to an internet-based endeavor that's matched with their personality, skills, and goals.

There's also the "elephant in the room." If you read any tech news at all, you've undoubtable become aware of it. It goes by the name of AI (Artificial Intelligence), and it may actually be the real 9-to-5 murderer.

AI is RAPIDLY deploying in all kinds of industries. And because AI gets smarter exponentially in very short periods of time, it is a tidal wave coming and that is growing bigger by the minute. It’s potential to change our world in incredible ways is undeniable. Is AI good or bad? I believe that AI poses some real threats. But at the same time, AI has the potential to greatly move humanity ahead in ways we can't even imagine. It is the future, and it’s coming, whether we like it or not.



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AI is going to kill jobs by the MILLIONS. It's already happening and the pace is only going to accelerate. ECommergy can absolutely be a lifeboat for millions who may be facing the loss of their jobs in the next few years. ECommergy can help them make the transition to a new career. As an SFI affiliate marketing ECommergy, you literally can save families, save lives.

Solution: ECommergy!
Introduction to ECommergy: Learn Ecommerce, earn commissions

ECommergy is a solution if you have an interest in adding an internet-based income stream of about any kind. This facilitates e-commerce entrepreneurism of all kinds.

Do you know anyone who would like to earn extra money or have their own internet business? That describes about every person on the planet. So, clearly, ECommergy is a marketable product, provided it is promoted in a compelling way. With focus, we are confident You can achieve that.

If you can send an e-mail, you can start an e-business. ECOMMERGY is your source for 100's of e-commerce businesses, side hustles, freelance jobs, and more, to eliminate paycheck-to-paycheck living. SFI and Ecommergy helps you transition seamessly into an internet endeavor that is perfectly tailored to your personality, skills, and goals!

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Start part time and make money in your spare time

Entrepreneurs' Work from Home Business Opportunities will become Work from Anywhere there is Internet because of the changes within the way so many people have had to stay home instead of travel to their work places in 2020. This is not new as several businesses have advocated work from anywhere for years. However, for the future, there will be a massive digital transformation as a result of the conditions of 2020. Beyond the year 2020: The year 2020 could be considered the year of remote work because so many people had to stay at home and still find ways to support themselves and their families. That was the beginning of the trend which we see continuing into 2024 and beyond.

You can Start part time and make money in your spare time. You can build a profitable home-based business working part-time from your home computer! With an internet business opportunity, you can Make Money Online Working from Home - selling other people's products. You to create an immediate supplemental income stream.

This is also known as Ecommerce. We already see more buying and selling of goods or services on the Internet today. This trend has caused Entrepreneurs to completely change the way they think about business and marketing. Now is a good time to increase your knowledge about Ecommerce.

An e-commerce website generally means an online store. Thus, e-commerce businesses include online retailers. It allows an ecommerce business to generates revenue from selling their products or services online. This enable the eCommerce stores to expand their business and gain a wide customer base.

Shopping Online is the newest trend in retail ventures and it has become very popular over the last few years. Online shopping is expected to continue growing and expanding its market share.

Ecommerce is a convenient way to offer a variety of products your customer may not be able to find at local stores. An online shop, while it is physically similar to purchasing products and services at a typical “brick and mortar” retail store or shopping center, any seller, no matter their size or budget, can bring their business online and connect with customers wherever and whenever it is convenient.

An online store, simply put, is a store which provides services or products over the global network.


Earn Income in Affiliate Marketing

There is a growing popularity for work-from-home income opportunities. More and more people are looking for ways to break free from their regular jobs, the commute to work and stop answering to a boss. They are, instead, looking to become their own boss. Often times with a side hustle or a part-time business. We are all aware that the prospect of investing money into a spare time business can be terrifying, especially if you already feel you don't have enough money to enjoy life.

However, most anyone can put aside $25 USD a month to invest in their own business. With such a low investment, you can start out part-time, in your spare-time and grow your business into a full-time passive income money machine. Therefore, starting a business, or a side hustle, don't have to be a huge investment. And, if it is your goal, your spare-time business could very well become your full-time income.

With a few hours a week of dedication to your part-time hustle, you can turn your dream business into a Income generating reality. One of the best ways to break away from your 9-to-5 job and a a steady paycheck is to earn a passive stream of income. The best way to do this, in my opinion, is to become an affiliate marketer. Affiliating marketing is a low cost way to get started earning passive income.

If you know that you’ve always wanted more Wealth, more money, and more freedom, and more flexibility in your life, then it is finally time to increase your current income, to start and run a profitable business without a full-time commitment. And, now you can with this easy system I am about to introduce to you. You most likely know that affiliate marketing is the best of the passive income opportunities available today. With most affiliate marketing systems, you only earn a commission on personal sales.

Would you spend $25 a month and a couple of hours a day to build your own wealth generating business?


Unlock Your E-commerce Potential

Whether you're looking to start a new internet business, create a part-time side hustle, or grow an existing online enterprise, ECommergy is your go-to platform, crafted by e-commerce experts for entrepreneurs like you. Why spend months searching for the golden nuggets of e-commerce wisdom when ECommergy is delivering it every day?

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Earning Residual and Leveraged Income Online with Affiliate Marketing

There are a range of platforms which content creators can use to earn residual income in affiliate marketing. Some of the favorites are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and their own private blogs. That is, content creators monetized their chosen channels to earn money through an affiliate relationship. This is a simple process of setting up an affiliate account with a vendor who's product you will be recommending. Earning This type of residual income does require some effort such as content creation, but once you have your media channels up and running, you can see a passive income stream that bring in money over a period of time.

Residual Income is income that keeps coming in, around the clock, month after month, year after year. It's like a royalty where you write a book or record a song and get paid indefinitely on it. If you ever want to acquire real wealth, you're just not going to get there trading hours for money. The world's wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you MUST tap into at least one of the following: Residual Income ; Leveraged Income.

Leveraged income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of Commission Overrides) on the activity of your personally referred affiliates.

Each affiliate on your team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month–even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether. And there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find that your commissions for the month increased from the month before!

Become an SFI Affiliate and an ecommerce pros and achieve success while earning big subscription commissions! As an SFI Affiliate, you will be partnered with one of the fastest growing and most popular e-commerce platforms on the Web today, the Zing Network. Simply point your potential customers to ECommergy Free Trial Gateway. Any prospective customer who signs up for the free trial is automatically registered as your own Personally Referred Member (PRM). For each of those PRMs who opt for a Standard subscription, you will automatically earn commissions! SFI takes care of processing your referred subscriber's payment, sends the appropriate confirmation emails to your PRA/PRM and fulfills the order—all at no cost to you!

Your Ecommerce Pro Shop: ECommergy

Designed specifically as a one-stop resource to help transform entrepreneurs like you into successful ecommerce experts, ECommergy comes packed with updated, timely information every online business owner should know, including:

  • "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by us and other experts in ecommerce.
  • Exclusive articles and other content.
  • New content added daily.
  • Exclusive "Ask An Expert" feature that lets you get your questions personally answered by ecommerce experts at no additional cost.
  • Sophisticated search engine helps you find the exact content you're looking for fast and easy.
  • Peer ratings and reviews.
  • A variety of tools and features for managing your favorite articles, reading lists, etc.
  • More!


If you can send an e-mail, you can start an e-business.

Discover HUNDREDS of lucrative e-commerce businesses, side hustles, freelance jobs, and more at ECOMMERGY. Grab a FREE trial subscription. No obligation.

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How to Succeed in Your Own Business

There are many successful entrepreneurs. We can gain inspiration from those who have achieved great success in this business. However, in order to be successful ourselves, we need a plan of success and then we need to follow that plan. While there is no clear-cut success formula for succeeding in business, there are a few steps that we can take to insure our success.

To start with, we need to have a dream and an unquenchable desire to achieve that dream, cause it to manifest into reality. It requires courage to follow your dreams, as often times you will be alone with your dreams and the work required to fulfill those dreams. It also requires perseverance, the steadfastness in working your plan despite whatever difficulty or delay you might encounter in achieving success.

Most of us have probably heard the phrase, "Find your niche." This should be something you are knowledgeable about and/or have enough interest in so that you will put forth the effort to fully learn about the business.

When you find the right niche, it will be easier for you to commit to your business idea and to commit to all those people who are part of your plans. These can be your employees (team members in a network marketing company), friends and / or family members.

Another aspect of business success is self-discipline as well as being able to be flexible. There is a great deal of freedom that comes with being in business for yourself. This freedom can also lead to complacency. However, your business will only survive if you maintaing a high degree of self-discipline - the needed discipline ot work your business plan. Remember, you have no one to anserw to but yourself, no boss telling you when to work or how much work to do.

Flexible, however, means that you need to learn to adapt your idea to the current needs of the day. Try to avoid mistakes, but they do happen, simply learn to use the mistakes you make as teaching tools of doing business. Each mistake can be a step stool to a higher level of wisdom.

Make sure that your business provide a needed product or service, or, that there is a high demand for your product or service. Then present (market) your business to the maximum customers. In the beginning customers will not be coming to you - you will need to take your product or service to the customer.

You can Learn to be an Entrepreneur

There are some inherent traits necessary to be an entrepreneur and also for business success in general. The person who wish to succeed in business, and in life, need: passion, creativity, leadership, perseverance, etc. However, there is much more to being an entrepreneur than simply having the right personality. And, while certain personality traits are necessary, entrepreneurial education is less about personality and more about seeking to develop habits that one needs to enable them to be a successful entrepreneur. It is about finding the right resources.

The good news is that you can be taught how to be an entrepreneur. There is a large range of resources that you can pull from, such as formal business courses, networking programs, seminars and websites offering guidance for business owners. When studying to become an entrepreneur, it is crucial to seek out the wisdom of those who have shown themselves to be knowledgeable in the field. Basically, you want a teacher who is someone that is: exhibiting knowledge, insight, or understanding; intelligent; well-informed; discerning and perceptive.

So, if you truly wish to learn what entrepreneurship is like, get to know some entrepreneurs. One way to do this is through the many books and articles written on the subject.


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