We see the same thing in the name YahWah!
Understanding the Divine and your relationship with the divine
Yahuwah is the Hebrew Scriptural name for the former of all things,
commonly refered to as "The Creator". However, the Heavens and the
earth were "formed" and Not created. The idea of created (creation)
is a misconception. Created is a concept based in linear thought - it
give rise to the idea of a 'beginning' and an 'end'. "Formed' is based
in cyclical thought of eternal existence, no beginning nor end. There is
perpetual change 'Formed' in various seasons of existence.
There is only the 'Now" and it's form is perpetual change, thus, there
can be no 'past' nor 'future' that exist along side the 'Now'. Yahuwah is the author
of 'Now' the perpetual change of the Universe. Yahuwh gives form to existence.
I believe that this is the essence of what
Baruch Spinoza (Sephardic Jewish-Portuguese-Dutch Philosopher), was
expressing in the explanation of his Philosophy on "Substance, attributes and modes" in "Deus sive Natura"
("God or Nature"). Spinoza viewed God and Nature as two names for the same reality - the single substance
- a being of infinitely many attributes.
Yahuwah is absolute order
Ishrael's strength and authority is in the 'knowledge' of the "absolute" order of the
Universe, which is cyclic. Thus, elohim can be understood as 'cyclic', "Having the property
that each element of the group can be expressed as a power of one particular element", as
well as being based in signs and seasons.
Linear concepts are finite, they have beginnings and ends, while - Cyclical concepts are
eternal - having no beginning nor end, it is self-sustaining and complete.
Gods (gawds) are the "bringers of luck (fortune)
Gods and "grace" is a linear concept based in 'luck' and ignorance (the lack of
knowledge of the 'Truth" about Ishrael and Yahuwah). It (the god concept) is the "strength
and authority" (el) of "other nations" but not the 'el' of Ishrael.
God or Gawd
The Modern English word G-D is derived from the Ancient Canaanite
word GAWD (the exact same pronunciation).
Gad is a Syrian or Canaanite deity of good luck or fortune. In Hebrew,
it is written GD, but with Massoretic vowel-pointing, it is "Gad."
Other Scriptural references to a similar deity, also written GD, have
a vowel-pointing giving us "Gawd" or "God." Gad is identified with
Jupiter, the Sky-deity or the Sun-deity.
The word "G-d" (or g-d) is a title, not a proper name. In English
Bibles the Hebrew word Elohim (or elohim), El (or el), and Eloah are
rendered as "God". In the Greek Scriptures the Hebrew word Elohim
is rendered as the Greek word "theos".
Both the Hebrew and Greek "root" meaning is "Mighty one" or
"Powerful one," and is applicable to terrestrial and celestial
beings. However, it is most often incorrectly used as a substitute
for the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (YHWH) - Transliterated as Yahweh.
The correct form of the tetragrammaton is YahWah ( the vowel in the
second half [wah] must agree with the vowel in the first half [yah] ).
God - sometimes rendered as "G-D" - is the Modern English name for
any Deity. A deity is a being, natural, supernatural or
preternatural, with superhuman powers or qualities, and who may be
thought of as holy, divine, or sacred.
a : the rank or essential nature of a god : divinity.
b capitalized : god 1, supreme being. 2. : a god or goddess
3. one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful
G-D - according to the encyclopaedia Britannica, is the common
"Teutonic" word for a personal object of religious worship, applied
to all the superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies.
After Rome brought the Teutonic races into the Roman Empire, with
Christianity being the official culture of Rome, the word "g-d" was
adopted as the name of the One Supreme Being. The Encyclopedia of
Religion and Ethics and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary,
Unabridged agree that the origin the word god is Teutonic paganism.
In Indo-Germanic dictionaries, only one word resembles "g-d" - the
word ghodh and is pronounced the same "god". This word means union,
also sexual union or mating. According to Luneburger Wörterbuch, the
following are the same word: Gott, Goda, got, gode, gade, g-d and
guth (gud).
The Ancient Canaanite idol who was named G-D (Gawd) it is mentioned
in the Hebrew Bible in ISAIAH 65:11&12
11. "You are those who forsake YAHWAH (the Biblical Hebrew "Former"
- Not "Creator" Nor "God") who forget My special mountain, who prepare
a table for Gawd (G-d the Canaanite idol), and who furnish a drink
offering for MENI (G-d’s wife),"
12. "Therefore, I will count you for the sword and you will all bow
down for the slaughter because when I called, you did not answer,
when I spoke, you did not hear, but you did evil in My sight, and
chose that which displeases Me."
Also note that the Jesus story is based upon life, death, burial and
resurrection of the Canaanite "gad" know as "Baal" - one of the sons
of "Dagon" (a fish-shaped god). Dagon is represented as a composite
figure, human as to the upper part of the body, fish-like as to the
"The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears,
when he sits on the high altar at Rome
and receives the adoration of the Cardinals,
is the very mitre worn by the priests of Dagon,
the fish-god of the Philistines and Babylonians."
- The Two Babylons ; Alexander Hislop; p. 215
Most English Bibles call the "Former" of the heavens and the earth
"Creator" "G-d" - instead "Yahwah." That makes it somewhat difficult
to prove to people that that Yahwah and G-d are two DIFFERENT people.
First of all, the Scriptures were originally written in Aramaic Hebrew
language - NOT English. The English is only a translation, and
translations are subject to errors, and to the erroneous opinions of
the translators.
Most English Bibles refer to the "Former of the heavens and the earth"
as "The Creator"; as "the LORD" and as "G-d" rather than "Yahwah".
Also, most English Bibles do not give "G-d" as the name of the Canaanite
idol in ISAIAH 65:11. but rendering it as "that Troop" or "Fortune" or
"Gad" etc.
If you learn the Hebrew alphabet, and the sounds of the Hebrew letters,
you can look up ISAIAH 65:11 in any Hebrew Interlinear, or simply look
up the name of the Canaanite idol ("Troop" in the King James Bible),
and you will see that this name "Gawd" is pronounced "G-d."
Yahwah is often called "G-d" in many English Bibles, but Yahwah is NEVER
referred to by a word that is pronounced "G-d" (Gawd) nor has the same
meaning as "god" (gawd) in the Hebrew text. The most common Hebrew title
that is translated as "G-d" is the Hebrew word "Elohim."
This Hebrew word "Elohim" is not PRONOUNCED "G-d", nor does it mean
"G-d" as many people have been lead to believe. In MODERN ENGLISH, the
word "G-d" has taken on much the same meaning as the Hebrew word "Elohim"
however, the point was that "G-d" and "Yahweh" are two different beings
according to the ancient Hebraic scriptures.
All will have to admit that the "Old Covenant" was originally written
in Hebrew. Thus, even though we will agree that "Elohim" is usually
translated as "G-d" we must conclude that this is not the "corect" way
to translate the Hebrew word "Elohim." It should be "Mighty Ones" at the
least and should also be understood to be the "Shining Ones" of ancient
The Shining Ones usually appear in various myths and folklore from
different cultures all over the world. They usually come in different
names and descriptions, but they have one thing in common - they are
usually considered to be (bringers of Fortune) and as forces of light.
Despite the many various forms that the Shining Ones may take depending
on the certain myth or culture, they usually are described as an ancient
and powerful race that preceded most of the more powerful human
civilizations of the ancient world. Even in myths, the Shining Ones are
always considered as advanced and highly intelligent beings that look
similar to humans.
The Egyptian "Book of The Dead" mention of the Shining Ones in some of
its chapters. In the Jewish "safer hakabbalah" (the book of traditions),
there is mention of the Shining Ones as spheres who were creators by
celestial harmonics (speak things into being).
El, Elo'ah and Elohim are incorrectly rendered as (God / gods)
The word el was originally written with two pictographic letters, 'aleph' represented by
an ox head and 'lamed' represented by a shepherd staff. The ox represented strength and the
staff of the shepherd represented authority.
The Hebrew 'El' (Aleph Lamed) represents authority and strength. The aleph
is depicted as a bull, the horns of the ox - representing strength and power
from the work performed by that animal. The pictograph of an ox head also
represents a chief or other leader.
When two oxen are yoked together for pulling a plow or cart or a wagon,
one is the older and more experienced. The experienced ox leads the the
younger ox. Within the Hebrew clan, tribe or family; the chief or father is
seen as the elder who is yoked to the younger members as the leader and teacher.
The pictograph of the Hebrew letter 'Lamed' is a shepherd's staff. The meaning of
Lamed is 'to' or 'toward', as moving something in a different direction. It represent or mean
authority, as it is a sign of authority of the shepherd - the leader of the flock. It also means yoke,
a staff on the shoulders as well as tie or bind from the yoke that is bound to the animal.
The shepherd staff was used to direct sheep or as a weapon against predators to defend
and protect the sheep.
El and Elohim is often mistranslated as God. However, there is a major difference between
"God" and "El". The Hebrew name for El is YHWH or Yahuwah. The Hebrews saw Yahuwah as the older
experienced leader (the ox) and they as the younger who learns from him. The strength and authority
of the Hebrews rest in their concept of 'Yahuwah' and not in the pagan concept of 'God' (gawd) or gods.
The Hebraic concept is expressed in the Shema; Shema Ishrael (or Sh'ma Ishrael) (Hebrew: שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל; "Hear, O' Ishrael").
Hear, Ishrael, Yahuwah is our 'strength and authority', Yahuwah is One. The meaning of 'echad' (one) is
both quantity as well as quality, and implies that there is no substance outside Yahuwah. Thus, Yahuwah is
the whole existence, the entire universe, both physical and nonphysical.
The "God" concept has a "good god" and an "evil god", but there is no duality in Yahuwah.
The Male and female, up and down, left and right, light and darkness are complementary forces such as yin yang - that
govern the entire universe. There are two opposite but complementary forces, (not opposing forces), that
constitute the dynamics of "Spirit" or "life force" or "Universal Corrective Force" which is the aspect
of Yahuwah that moves the Universe.
Elohim - from the Sumerian source - means 'Shining Ones'.
Genesis 1:26: 'And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness'. And again in Genesis 6:2 'The sons of god saw the daughters of
men that they were fair..' This term "sons of god" is literally "sons of
gods" and comes from "ben ha-elohim", (sons of the shining ones). To
the Hebrews the Elohim were nature divinities from ancient Sumerian times.
The Hebrews termed these shining ones as "Watchers" - (nun resh’ayin)
meaning 'those who watch'.
Some of the shining ones were termed Watchers and are akin to the angels
of the Lord. Yahwah Elohim simply meaning 'leader of the shining ones'.
Other 'shining ones' are know as "nachash" - nachash, as a noun can mean:
snake / serpent or one who practices of divination. While the Hebrew
term "nachash" can mean serpent, it can also mean "shiny one" or "shiny
Canaanites are implicated in many places as revolving around the "shining
ones" who were also known as the original serpent priests. The center of
the Christian world - the Vatican - comes from the words "vatis" for
prophet and "can" for serpent, making the Vatican a place of serpent
Enoch himself had testified against the fallen Watchers and was protected
by the ruling shining ones:
"And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages,
and lo! The Watchers called me - Enoch the scribe - and said to me: ‘Enoch,
thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the heaven
who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled
themselves with women, and have done as the children of the earth do, and
have taken unto themselves wives: Ye have wrought great destruction on the
earth: And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as
they delight themselves in their children, The murder of their beloved
ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they
lament, and shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace
shall ye not attain'." 1 Enoch 10:3-8.
Shema Yisrael – "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One"
Shema Yisrael (or Sh'ma Yisrael; Hebrew: שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל; "Hear, [O] Israel")
Shema is to hear, and to hear is to understand.
In order to understand, one must listen to what is being said, contemplate the information and accept it as true (worthy of respect).
Yahuwah Avinu (Yahuwah is our father) -
Yahuwah Eloheinu (Yahuwah is our
strength and authority) -
Yahwuwah echad (Yahuwah is one)!
Yahuwah echad is the foundation
of Shalom - true peace in the whole universe.
Lets look at (Yahuwah is our father) - we are attributes of the Universe, the One Substance we call Avinu (our father).
Our strength and authority (Yahuwah Eloheinu) - rest in we being in harmony with the Universe (Yahuwah). Yahwuwah echad -
there is only One Universe (one substance) and we are attributes of that one substance (there is no other "God" [no other substance but me]).
So, whatever you think, you must learn to refer to Yahuwah as 'El' (strength and authority). It
may be hard to do this at first, but as time goes on, it will become easy.
Shalom - Peace; wellness of mind, body and spirit
With "correct" knowledge and wisdom, you can become 'Israel', man (Adam - the male and the female human being) with
Power, Strength and Authority - Ishrael!
I AM Israel (IshRaEl)
Ish - man
Ra - power
El - Strength and Authority
Hebrew / Jewish Scriptures
When the Hebrew scriptures are taken outside the limited view of religion, into its true context, we get a clear view of
nature as both physical and non-physical and began to understand its attributes as working on our behalf - to manifest everything we need for an abondant life!
Psalms 97:9 - "for you, Yahwah, are high above all the earth: you are
exalted far above the gods (elohim - i.e. powers)."
Exodus 18:11 - "now I know that Yahwah is greater than all gods (elohim - i.e. powers)..."
Zephaniah 2:11 - "Yahwah will be terrible to them: for He will famish
[destroy; reduce to nothing] all the gods (elohim - i.e. powers) of the earth.
I Chronicles 16:26 - "For all the 'gods' (elohim - i.e. powers) of the people are idols
[devils]: but the LORD [Yahwah] made heavens. [that is made or formed
not "created" from nothing (no-thing)] - all that exist is "substance"
of Yahwah - (the universal corrective force).
The Purpose of the Kingdom that is promised in Hebrew Jewish Scriptures
Note: To better understand Hebrew persective of scriptures, replace the English terms "Lord", "God", and "Lord God" with the Hebrew term "Yahwah"
Psalms 84:11
"For the Lord God is a sun and a shield: the Lord will give
grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them
that walk uprightly."
Jeremiah 32:42
"For thus saith the Lord; Like as I have brought all this
great evil upon this people, so will I bring upon them all
the good that I have promised them."
The Resurrection
From Judgment to Post Judgment -- by Ben Ammi
"We find the prophet Jeremiah and the Psalms of David in agreement,
reminding us that 'no good thing' or promised blessing will be denied us.
Possibly, I should state more in the absolute, that they must come upon us.
For just as the curses have been/are a response in agreement with an evil
mind, so are the promised blessings a response to those that walk uprightly."
"At this point in history it is necessary to be exposed to the wisdom that
will free you from your bondage of corruption and manifest the promised
blessings. They cannot be withheld. But, only a corresponding mind -- a
mind that is in agreement -- can call them forth. When the mind has been
aligned with that purpose and maintains the continuity required by time,
the substance that is in agreement has to come forth."
"Herein we also expand and return the scope of vital eco-systems from the
familiar discussion of flora, fauna and waterways back to include the holy
habitation of man and woman. You must focus in on the vital eco-systems that
exist between Yah, His creation and the families of the earth and realize that
individualism poses a major threat to your existence on this planet. The reckless
promotion of individual rights and 'free choice' can, and has been used to justify
anything and every behavior. Except that the Adamiv civilization is woven back
together, individualism will continue to wreak havoc in their habitat."
We see that the Kingdom Purpose is to activate the Promised Blessings of Yah
upon Israel and then upon all the inhabitatents of the earth. We accomplish this
by being in alignment with Truth.
Truth is "that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality". ...
"Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. In everyday language,
truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality or otherwise correspond
to it, such as beliefs, propositions, and declarative sentences."
"a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality."
transcendent - "beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience."
"surpassing the ordinary; exceptional."
normal - "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. : conforming to a type,
standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual,
typical, or routine : within a range considered safe, healthy, or optimal"
Study to know the Truth
Study - "the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject,
especially by means of books. a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation."
Doing right is guaranteed success -- it is not a matter of luck, i.e. not (Gad (Babylonian bringer of luck) nor God (English luck through unmerited grace))!
Thus, when we study to know the truth of a thing, secular or spiritual, the universe, the Cosmos, i.e. YahWah will bring blessings upon us and our familes - when we apply that that knowledge in the Right (correct) manner -- We become successful in our lives and in our business dealings! It is guaranteed!
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