Are you worried about the Global Economy?

Harness the creative powers of your mind to achieve a life of prosperity without worries

There is a global pervasive fear that cause many to worry about money and the economy. There is probably no one who has not been worried about money at some time or another. We usually equate money with survival, our sense of self, our self-worth, is tied into the concept of money. Often we think that if we but had more money, the problems would be solved. Actually, what we need to survive and what we are convinced that we need to survive are two very different things.

It is hard to stop worrying - unless you know how. Worrying does not help the situation and actually increases the level of stress. It drains us and leaves us with little or no energy to be your proactive and self productive.


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Worried about Money

If you are worried about money, try giving some away! Worrying does not make the problem go away and it is unproductive. Everything takes persistence, patience and time. In time, if you develope the patience to help others, your money worries will go away. Giving away money can be as simple as helping a homeless person get a meal for the day. However, if you turn a hobby into something usefull and helpfull to others, you can earn cash. Get a clear vision yourself being successful, network with others to help find new income opportunities for them as well as yourself.

When we network to help others and our self, we find that our self-worth is not in the money, the money does come, but our worth is in the service and products we provide to others.

In a down economy, many people have to focus on things like security of employment, financial resources, family, health and property. So, if you can help people (or businesses) save money or help them make money - then, you can make money in a good economy, bad economy, down economy or any economy.

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Note: While you've been reading the above, thousands of people all over the world have been working to put money in my pocket. I even make money while I sleep! By this time next week, so could YOU. Get full info here: SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group


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