Your Health Affects Your wealth

Actually, Your health is your wealth!

Health is the condition of your body and/or mind with regard to soundness and vigor. Your health affects all areas of your life, even your wealth. Your health is your wealth!

What Good is Wealth without Health?

We usually recognize that bad health can present some challenges for us, but we are quick to dismiss them when we are feeling well. Your health has just as much effect on your wealth as; the loss of job, saving too little or saving too much, uninsured medical claims, retiring too early, identity theft, or poor credit management. Many people lack an understanding of the true value of their health until they lose it.

Ensure your Wealth with Good Health!

Positive thinking affect health. While the benefits of positive thinking permeate your entire life, the effects of positive thinking leads to positive action. Positive thinking has an integral effect upon your health and therefore, it effect your wealth and your success; both personally and professionally.

There are at lest three things that will help you to have better health, thus be able to attract more wealth: Detox your body, breath pure air and drink pure water.

Why I take a vitamin or Dietary Supplement!

The best possible source for obtaining the micronutrients our body needs is from the food we eat, especially fruits and vegetables. The main reason I personally take supplements is for insurance against gaps in my diet. Some times circumstances prevent me from eating optimally every day. Also, from reports that I have read, some important vitamins (such as D and E) and minerals are protective against disease in amounts that may be difficult to obtain through diet alone. However, Supplements are only one aspect of maintaining optimum health - lifestyle is the real key.

When you are ready to change your life, be willing to change the way you think! ...
Nine Principles of Manifesting Abundance

In order to establish a path to prosperity, we have to first learn where we are consciously in relationship to abundance and poverity. Our first step in finding our place in life is our Experiential reality. It is here that we learn our sense of self-worth.

1. Experiential reality

Experiential reality is knowledge gained from your own personal experience, like hunger, taste, sights and sound. Experiential reality differs from Agreement reality.

Agreement reality is the knowledge that we acquired from sources outside of self. Media serve, for a large part, in building our understanding of agreement reality. Media includes books, word of mouth, campfire stories, movies, videos and the internet.

"All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death – life is only a dream – and we are the imagination of ourselves."
~ Bill Hicks, comedian and philosopher

Because we cannot experience everything ourselves, we also need to learn from the experiences of others. Learning from other people depends on our ability to integrate our own experiences with the experiences of others. In order to do this successfully, we have to be able to abstract from those experiences that we and/or others have had, and then recognize those common features within those different situations.

Some of the benefits of learning from experience are the opportunities for reflection in a very personal way for internalizing the information and may lead to unintended discoveries. Learning from others also has its benefits such as avoiding common pitfalls and not having to recreate that which has already been created. We also gain access to a vast source of information and its relative wisdom that others have already researched, studied and learned.

Our Self-worth is an important concept that can always use improvement. We cannot change something if we do not recognize that there is something in need of changing. Our overall sense of self-worth plays an important role in our learning. Low Self-Esteem hurts our learning ability while Self-Confidence builds our ability to learn.

"Vision without action is a daydream, An action without a mission a nightmare." ~ Japanese Proverb

2. Self Worth

The definition of Self-worth is the sense of one's own value or worth as a person; one's self-esteem; and one's self-respect. Self-worth is also the feeling that you have good qualities and have achieved good things, and that you can continue to achieve good things.

The way you choose to measure your worth will affect the kind of life you will live. Thus, it is best to use a system of measuring your worth based on factors you can control and not the external events in your life. When you know who you are and you are pleased with the person you have become you will experience a sense of peace in your life regardless of the challenges you face. You will continue to believe in yourself!

When you know something deeply and intimately, it has the power to influence, transform, and enhance your life. You will not need an outside authority to tell you what something is because now you know it first hand. Even if it is discounted or ridiculed by others you are secure in your knowing. However, believing blindly leaves room for doubt, knowing leads to confidence because you can trust your awareness.

What we experience can feedback into what we learn from others and help us to create our sense of self-worth.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." -- Buddha

When we genuinely feel valued we will vibrate a high sense of self-worth to the Cosmos. In return, the Law of Universal Energy will work on our behalf and vibrate more value and abundance into our life. It is as simple as switching from a mindset of "scarcity", to an "abundance" mindset. Everyone constantly creates their own realities whatever they may be, with thought Energy, emotions and affirmations, either positive or negative.

That is an immutable Universal Law. Thus, negative thinking will result in negatively influenced Energy, creating a correspondingly negative reality. Likewise, positive influenced Energy will create a positive reality and transmute the nagativity. Your sense of worth lies with you. If you desire greater abundance learn to see yourself as worthy of that abondance.

3. Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity consciousness is a phrase coined by Napoleon Hill in the book, "Think and Grow Rich", published in 1928.

Your Prosperity consciousness affects more than just your financial success, it also correlates directly with the state of your health, your well-being, and your happiness.

Your state of being, the state of your mind, is a direct result of your state of consciousness. One either has a prosperity consciousness or a poverty consciousness. Your consciousness, your mental attitude, directly affects how you experience the world. What you draw into your reality concerning money, success, and abundance is a result of your consciousness. You can only manifest money, success and abundance to the extent to which your consciousness manifest prosperity into your physical world. The level of prosperity that you are able to consistently maintain is only limited by the degree of your consciousness, between prosperity and poverty.

Your subconscious mind listens to your conscious mind. That which you consciously feed your mind, be it negative thoughts toward money or people who have money, your subconscious mind picks up on that negativity. That which you manifest into your experience is the results of your subconscious mind. It works to produce those things that the conscious mind dwells on. If you want prosperity, consciously and physically surround yourself with people who are already demonstrating a prosperity conscious. Your thoughts are Energetic vibrations, spirit, and they tend to synchronize to like vibrations.

"People are basically the same the world over. Everybody wants the same things - to be happy, to be healthy, to be at least reasonably prosperous, and to be secure. They want friends, peace of mind, good family relationships, and hope that tomorrow is going to be even better than today." ~ Zig Ziglar

Money is a form of energy. It has vibrations. Vibrations works in cycles. Therefore, the act of giving money creates a space for us to receive money. It is commonly called "tithe". The giving can be anything of value, but the most common means ot Tithe is money. By giving money, time or any form of resources, you are opening up to the abundance of energy the universe can provide for you. The standard rule of thumb for tithe is to give at least 10 percent of your income, however, it can be whatever amount that resonates with your spirit.

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar

Prosperity Consciousness: Expanding Consciousness - Expand Your Mind ~ There is a relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value - we can learn to use these relationships to enhance our well-being. Within each person, there dwells Infinite Intelligence, it is universal and everlasting - the true divinity. It is our mental states that are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in our daily living.

Prosperity consciousness is based primarily on the belief in the Law of Attraction and its use for attracting more wealth. Attracting prosperity works on the principle that, what you believe and what you surround yourself with will attract similar things. As a principle, these concepts predate the New Age and New Thought communities. From ancient times, we have been taught to be careful about who we associate with, including friends and family. While attracting prosperity is often presented as some strange metaphysical system; it is basically a good old common sense.







4. Healthy Imagination

In order to manifest a thing into physical reality, we must first be able to imagin it in our mind.

We humans are usually very good at imagining things. We often daydream about fanciful possibilities and act out scenarios in our mind that may become our future actions. This is called mental imagery in some circles of human learning. Some psychologists have explored these imagined situations in order to determin whether it is possible to harness our capacity for imagination as a means to improve our ability to achieve specific outcomes or goals.

Imagery is the general term used by psychologists. However, humans have used their imagination to improve their motivation toward goal-directed actions for as long as there has been recorded history. There are many different imagery methods. They often involve self-directed or exercises led by a coach. The person imagine, or visualise, successfully doing the behaviour of interest, or imagine the feelings and emotions experienced when doing the behaviour, as well as visualise its consequences.

For example, a smoker might use imagery when he or she desire to quit smoking. The smoker would be led to imagine the steps he or she might take to manage situations when they are likely to have cravings for a cigarette. The imagery works by motivating the smoker into doing a different behaviour in the future. This is a way of preparation to successfully perform a behaviour and reach a goal.

We can, and often do, use our imagination in our leisure time to help us overcome obstacles at work. This type of mental imagery help us to look at challenges in new ways and come up with meaningful solutions to conflicts.

According to some neurological studies, being imaginative creates more neurons in your brain. It is believed that if we continue to utilize your imagination later in life that we are 73 percent less likely to develop the memory problems that lead to lose of memory. When are allow ourselves the time to exercise our imagination, free of judgment, it helps us to appreciate our skills and our instincts. Thus, we can use our imagination to enhance our sense of self-worth.

This means we will be more likely to trust our thoughts and feelings in other areas of our life. Therefore, by developing our imagination we can build a strong tool to use in potentially addressing the challenges of life. If you can imagine how scenarios will play out, you are better able to make decisions that are beneficial to your overall well-being.

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." ~ Joel A. Barker

5. Physical reality; more than meets the eye

Reality is commonly held to be the sum of all that is real or existent, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. In physical terms, reality is the totality of the universe, known and unknown. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence. Ontological Status ~ an 'actual entity' has a philosophical status of fundamental ontological priority, while a 'real entity' is one which may be actual, or may derive its reality from its logical relation to some actual entity or entities. For example, an occasion in the life of Socrates is an actual entity.

When we interact with an object in physical reality and follow through with its perceived affordance, the resultant action tells us whether that affordance was real or false. We get immediate feedback from our action. Affordance is the feature of an object which presents a prompt on what can be done with the object. A door handle give a hint, a clue, a prompt that you can use it to open the door. The quality or property of an object that defines its possible uses or makes clear how it can or should be used is often easy to see in physical objects.

Affordance reveals the relationship between a subject and an object, or the "psychical and physical", respectively. This is a higher-level concept. The body-mind syncretism is a foundational precept in Eastern philosophy. This may be realized when we compare or replace affordance with Qi. In this view, real is the relation between the mind and the material (i.e., the body or matter). Thus, real (reality) becomes the balance between the spiritual and the physical). Qi is a potential activation that possesses physical properties as well as mental disposition, thus influencing both subject and object.

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Material abundance is linked to abundance and scarcity concepts. Cultural and structural varieties of sociocultural influence contribute to how we view our prosperity. The people of North American use first-person pronouns, such as, I and me, more frequenly than do of West African culture when it comes to abundance. However, abundance thinking can lead to destruction of our physical ecology. Those who see things as scarce, have the tendency to place higher value on what little they do have.

Scarcity: Prerequisite to Abundance. The Planet Earth has a fixed endowment of non renewable resources, thus we need to learn to live with less. There is no cornucopia of material abundance in the world. We need economic and societal changes in order to ensure that all people have an ample supply of food and other materials.

6. Spirit and Spiritual Reality

Spirit is not the product of religious beliefs. However, religions rely upon spirit to manifest their purpose. I provide another section on God, Spirit and religion. So, I won't go in depth on those subjects on this page.

Spiritual Reality: At the core of physical reality is Spirit or energy. There is a fundamental difference between believing, having faith, and knowing something to be true.

Many people hold to the idea that there only exist the physical reality. This perspective keeps them blind to everything beyond the obvious. Some people never had their eyes opened to the wonders of the spiritual world that envelops us. When our eyes are closed to this spiritual reality, we go through life thinking that the physical and material world it all there is to reality. This type of thinking leads to emptiness. Utter emptiness! The human heart (our soul) is longing for the balance of the spiritual world with the material world. Without the knowledge of the spirit realm, there is a deep hunger for something more, for contact with the other dimensions of reality, for interaction with the spiritual realm. We all seek a connection and communication with the invisible powers of the Universe, the Cosmos. Some of us are consciously aware of what we seek!

In order to understand Spiritual Reality we need to understand spirit.

In its simplest form and concept, spirit is the invisible powers of the universe that animates the physical realm of reality. In the Hebrew sense, EL is "strength and authority" or "power"; in its plural sense, it is elohim or (Powers). Most of what the western world conceives about power is based upon this Hebraic concept. Some people get it correct and others do not.

Do to the fact that we humans are conscious and that we are a part of the universe, the universe is conscious of itself. Thus, when we seek to know more about the universe and about other beings and other things, we are seeking that source of life (animation) that connects our inter-being.

7. Transformation from Spiritual to Physical

It is here that we gain the ability to manifest abundance!

Many people brought up in western culture see opposites as contradictory. The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and complimentry. Opposites such as female-male, dark-light and old-young are not contradictory opposites, they are complimentry. According to the fundamental concept of Chinese philosophy, and the culture in general, the two opposites of Yin and Yang attract and complement each other. The symbol of small dots illustrates that each side has, at its core, an element of the other. Neither Yin nor Yang is superior to the other. As one increase the other correspondingly decrease, creating a balance between the two in order to achieve harmony.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” ― Max Planck

There is a concept when two people are in harmony that they are on the same wavelength. Whether this is scientific is a matter of opinion. However, everything from the smallest quantum level is energetic such as strings vibrating at certain frequencies. That is the essence of string theory. It is the bases for everything we experience to include our thoughts, and our emotions. They create an energetic wavelength that ripple throughout our own bodies and in the bodies of those around us. The vibrations that began with a thought has an effect upon everything else whether you know it or not.

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” ― Max Planck

The fact is, most, if not all eastern cultures, held these same ideas in some form or another. It can be seen in the Shema as well as in the Tao.

Thoughts are spiritual. Words are spiritual. The thoughts that we entertain and manifest into words, tend to bring into physical existence, those thoughts that we focus our attention. This is the concept behind the phrase Abracadabra. The phrases in Hebrew mean "I will create as I speak"! What we need to understand is that spoken words give power to our thoughts and that our actions give power unto the words spoken. If we do not empower our thoughts with words and then physical actions, no thing will manifest.

8. Abondance should not include Fat!

Your Health has an effect on your peace of mind, your love life, your joy and happiness, and your over-all ability to experience abundance! Maintain your health and your wealth will prosper also. Exercise regularly. Lose weight if you are overweight. Exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and colon cancer. However, physical fitness is not the only aspect of being healthy. Mental and emotional fitness is the core of being healthy. But let us deal with weight, actually Fat!

In the United States of America, 60% of females struggle with weight problems and 40% of the males struggle with weight problems. 73% of the people between the ages of 25 to 34 are fighting against weight gain. Where as only 27% struggle with weight problems between the ages of 35 to 44. By a small margin, more African Americans are overweight than whites. The same is true for Hispanics but by 10% or less margin. However, given that both are minorities in the US population, Whites continue to be the largest target market for weight loss programs.

When It Comes to Losing Weight, Mainstream Medicine would have us believe that the key to weight loss is simply a matter of “eating less and exercising more”

Chances are if you’re like most dieters, it means that you’ve tried numerous weight loss programs with little to no success.

9. Generate Extra Income through Ecommerce

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill, Author

Details to: Unlock Your E-commerce Potential, below - keep reading...

Note: You can make money working at home around the world; in America, Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, India, Israel, anywhere on the planet that has internet access. If you find something of interest here - please share it with your friends. Thanks.


I really don't want to call this a conclusion because this is an ever-changing story, there is no end.

We see that our environment shape our thoughts and in turn our thoughts creates our reality. In this we think, say and do in order to manifest abundance in our lives. This can be seen in the Shema.


[Shema Yisrael (Shema Israel or Sh'ma Yisrael; Hebrew: שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל; "Hear, O Israel") is a Jewish prayer, and is also the first two words of a section of the Torah, and is the title (better known as The Shema) of a prayer that serves as a centerpiece of the morning and evening Jewish prayer services.] ~ Wikipedia


How to Live to Be 100 Years Old

Nine thousand feet above sea level, breathing air stirred up from Mt. Everest, live the Hunza people. They may be poor in material wealth, but they are rich in spirit. They have abundant health, happiness, peace of mind deep in their spirit, physical stamina, the wisdom to really take care of their family, and the ability to live to be 100 years old.

For more than twenty years, author Garry Gordon has studied the Hunza, and other groups of people, seeking to unravel the secret to longevity. In How to Live to be 100 Years Old, he reveals what he has learned about caring for the human mind, body, and spirit. Gordon shares the secrets for living a disease-free life and how to find more happiness, joy, love, energy, peace, and prosperity.

Through ten simple principles, he gives advice for how to let go of the old habits, eat healthier meals, and exercise more. How to Live to be 100 Years Old helps you gain a stronger, positive attitude and embrace courage while letting go of your fears, showing how you can transform your life by changing your habits. How to Live to Be 100 Years Old

Therapeutic Acupuncture Massage Sandals

BYRIVER Therapeutic Stone Massage Slippers Sandals Flip Flops for Men Women, Reflexology Foot Massager Relief Plantar Fasciiti, Arthritic, Relaxation gifts for dad and mom | BYRIVER Therapeutic Acupuncture Massage Sandals are designed specifically to soothe your tired feet, relieve pain and tension, and melt away tension. Great for treatment of arthritis, neuropathy and other ailments, these therapeutic sandals use Reflexology massage design to refresh tired, sore, plantar fasciitis feet and promote better blood flow. Straps adjust to different foot widths.
BYRIVER Therapeutic Stone Massage Slippers Sandals Flip Flops for Men or Women

About this item

✔NO PAIN NO GAIN: When you first start wearing these therapeutic massage slippers, you may experience a lot of pain. Because the massage knobs are stretching the tense plantar muscles. Please add socks and wear 3-5 minutes a time to start, it will take 1-2 weeks to get used to it gradually.
✔TENSION RELIEF: Keeping use of foot massage tool can help to improve circulation and relieve lower back pain; migraine; foot pain due to plantar fasciitis, arthritis, neuropathy.
✔ Portable Foot Massager: An easy way to relax and activate your feet anytime, especially after working long hours, wearing high heels, hiking.
✔HEALTH BENEFITS: Each slipper built with real stone for foot acupuncture stimulation massage, helping to improve blood circulation and physical mobility, thereby enhancing overall health.
✔SIZE: The adjustable strap on the acupressure slippers, make them fit most feet shape. If you are between sizes, take the larger one

See the full selection of Therapeutic Acupuncture Massage Sandals

Foam Roller Set - High Density Back Roller, Muscle Roller Stick,2 Foot Fasciitis Ball, Stretching Strap, Peanut Massage Ball for Whole Body Physical Therapy & Exercise, Back Pain, Leg, Deep Tissue

Great for massage, physical therapy, crossfit, yoga, and more, this versatile Gym Fitness Yoga Foam Roller Set will keep up with your changing fitness needs, soothe your sore muscles, and ease feelings of fatigue. Each set includes a round ball, peanut ball, and roller for maximum versatility in your workouts. Foam Roller Set - Note: Picture may differ from actual product!

About this item

【Whole Body Massage Foam Roller KIT】–You can get a high density 12" deep foam roller, a 15” anti-slip massage stick, a Peanut Massage Ball, 1 Plantar Fasciitis Ball: a solid heavy-duty 2-in-1 and spiky ball, 78” Stretching Strap, 1 Massage Guide,1 Nylon Bag, Relieve muscle soreness, massage away stress and rehabilitate injuries.
【Relief Muscle Injury & Improves Performance】– One of the best recovery tools to treat muscle pain and increase performance and flexibility. Rolling before and after workouts is part of a great stretching routine. Increases blood flow to the massage site, and flush away stored lactic acid with the included spike ball. Reduce stiffness and pain before and after workouts, exercise, running and training with the deep tissue massage extra firm ball.
【High Density & NO Squeezing Noise】– These are Solid high density foam, are capable of supporting up to an amazing 300lbs of weight, they will not lose their shape after heavy use, have No squeezing noise, and Repels Liquids, enabling you to use them for a wide variety of exercises without worrying about compatibility; They are will help you achieve better performance for many years to come.
【PORTABLE NYLON BAG & SPACE SAVING】– The total body wellness kit comes with a durable Portable nylon mesh bag to increase portability that doubles as a yoga mat carrier. makes it the ideal companion for anywhere. Simply throw the set in your bag and use it anytime, anywhere.
【365 DAYS 100% MONEY BACK QUALITY WARRANTY】- Foam Roller Set is one of the strongest, highest quality foam roller sets on the market. Our foam rollers don’t lose their shape after heavy use.if you're not 100% satisfied, simply return it for a full refund, no questions asked – buy it without hesitation.

See full line of Fitness Yoga Foam Roller Sets

The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site. Click here for more details

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