5 Steps to Advertising Success!

Your advertising success depends on this five step process.

1) Targeted Advertising

Take time to research and plan your advertising efforts. Many businesses get great results from their advertising because they reach a targeted group of prospects who are interested in what they are selling. This is called targeted advertising.

Study your product or service to find ways in which you can reach a concentrated group of prospects. Create a message designed to appeal to the needs and interests of this specific group and you are more likely to interest them in your product or service.

Use direct mail to generate traffic to your web site. It's a great way to bypass the heavy competition online. Add a copy of your URL in everything you mail out.

2) Focuse on Benefits

Benefits sell, not facts about your product or service. facts don't sell. However, the benefits must be true to maximize the results you get from your advertising efforts. When your Ad focus on the benefit it provides, it attracts attention and creates excitement which generates sales.

3) Continuous advertising

Develop a plan of regularly scheduled advertising. Continuous advertising produces steady growth. Follow your plan of regularly scheduled advertising regardless of your sales volume.

4) Devotion to Customers

Customers are prospects too; Devote some of your advertising efforts to attracting new customers. But remember to devote some effort to cultivating these prospects for future sales. Most potential customers will not buy the first time they hear or see your advertisings. However, many will buy later if you follow up with them. Your follow up can be as simple as contacting them, in two or three days, with a new offer.

Stay in contact with your Customers, they are prospects also. Offer them "back-end" products or services. It's easier to make a sale to a previous customer than to new prespects who has never bought from you. Back-end products are products or services which are related to your initial offer.

5) Effective Copycat Advertising

You can copy competitors advertising ideas, but not their exact methods and words. This can be effective for quick results. However, as more and more competitors copy the same idea the results will decline. Improve on your competitors advertising ideas. Create something better - something uniquely you.

Always include a unique bonus only you can offer.

Content Marketing

Today's consumers are simply shut off by the traditional marketing methods. Thus, there is the need for a non intrusive marketing technique.

Content marketing works well for this purpose. It is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. You as a marketer, deliver information that makes your buyer more intelligent concerning a product or service instead of pitching your products or services.

The essence of this strategy is to deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers with the expectation that they will ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty. In essence, content Marketing is the means of creating and sharing valuable (free content) to attract and convert prospects into customers, and hopefully, these customers into repeat buyers.

What is Attraction Marketing?

Attraction Marketing includes anything that you can do to attract people to you, rather than you having to find them, is called attraction marketing. In it's simplest form, "attraction marketing" is about branding you. It's about using the numerous free hi-tech resources (such as Twitter and FaceBook) to brand yourself and having people seek you out to form an alliance with you.

Attraction marketing is about attracting the right people to you and the business opportunity you can provide them. Having an online presence with your own personal website or blog offers one of the greatest attraction marketing opportunities one can create. A well crafted website that exhibit qualities of authority can make you "an authority in your niche". You have to regularly, consistently and persistently be about the business of building your website or blog.

Key to Online Success

The key to making money online is to first have a love for the things that money can buy. To be prosperous is to control the flow of money, and not hold onto a lot of money. When you can you love the idea of having lots of money, but not the money itself, you will become an Attractor Factor for money. However, money does not have hands and feet - a person will have to hand you the money. Thus, focus on attracting people to you and provide them a product of service they need.

Exhibit Authority

Websites that exhibit authority become popular places where people like to go online. You may have realized by now that adding great and useful content regularly is what is required to for your website or blog to exhibit authority. And, popularity is an excellent measure of authority as expressed by Google


The success of a home based entrepreneur is dependent upon the value you share with others such that you are attractive to other aspiring entrepreneurs. Basically people join people and not the products or the services, thus it is vital to have a good Bio-page. A good way to educate others about your offer is to write articles of value about you and how you're marketing yourself and your product. The articles can be used to subtly direct people to your website.

Don't Sell

People don't like being sold. When you are chasing after your friends and family or cold calling people, you are selling to them. However, the more valuable you become to others, the more others will seek you out, i.e. "attraction marketing". This is the most natural and pleasurable way to grow your Network Marketing business. The secret is to provide solutions to their most pressing problems.

Note: While you've been reading the above, thousands of people all over the world have been working to put money in my pocket. I even make money while I sleep! By this time next week, so could YOU. Get full info here: SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group


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